FWO Project

New FWO project, Erupt, with UGent to monitor the subsurface with continuous electrical resistivity in Iceland, Chile and in the laboratory.
A PhD student (Lore Vandooren) has already been hired and will do her PhD thesis in Ghent and ULB.
June 2024 news from G-Time
News from G-Time Instruments: Nu instrument (finally) received by Vinciane and Nadine. New DAS interrogator and hydrophones for Corentin. Corentin and Geneviève have received the ULB ‘prix de la diffusion scientifique’ for the Lab Discovery Tour. News from Geophysics The drilling for shallow geothermal operations for the Wel-T Geo4D project is nearly completed on at…
September 2023 news from G-Time
Excursion for our BA3 students in Corsica Mapping course in magmatic and metamorphic terrains 2022-23 in Corsica (Bonifacio, Corte and Saint Florent regions) with BA3 Geology students supervised by Juliette Faucher (PhD VUB_AMGC), Sibylle Boxho (Assistant and PhD ULB_G-Time) and Nadine Mattielli (Prof. ULB_G-Time). An enriching experience in terms of geology teaching and personal and…
April 2023 news from G-Time
Lab Discovery Tour – Geoscience Trail Coordinated by Marie-Modeste Vaeyens, Geneviève Hublet and Corentin Caudron, our set of outreach activities has been a great success. During the Printemps des Sciences, we have welcomed the future generation of geoscientists during a week. With the help of a pool of motivated PhD students, technicians, researchers and…
Some fresh news from G-Time
Good collection of meteorites in Antarctica After spending the holidays in Antarctica, an international research team composed of Maria Schönbächler (ETH-Zurich), Maria Valdes (Field Museum of Natural History-U. Chicago) and Ryoga Maeda (VUB-ULB), and guided by Manu Poudelet (International Polar Guide Association) and led by Vinciane Debaille has returned with more than 600 meteorites……
Welcome !
Welcome Ms Petra Godec, MSc Geology, University of Zagreb, joins the volcanology group as a laboratory assistant. Welcome ! NewsBy Admin31 mars 2022 Welcome Ms Petra Godec, MSc Geology, University of Zagreb, joins the volcanology group as a laboratory assistant. Welcome ! NewsBy Admin31 mars 2022 Welcome Ms Petra Godec, MSc Geology (University of Zagreb),…
Nanok Expédition
In April 2022, two people from Brussels, Gilles Denis and Nathan Goffart, will travel to Greenland to carry out a world premiere: an atypical triathlon combining successively a 600 km crossing of the ice sheet in ski-pulka along the Arctic Circle, a descent of more than 1,000 km in a sea kayak along the east…
FWO Project
New FWO project, Erupt, with UGent to monitor the subsurface with continuous electrical resistivity in Iceland, Chile and in the laboratory. A PhD student (Lore Vandooren) has already been hired and will do her PhD thesis in Ghent and ULB. Nanok Expédition NewsBy Admin10 février 2022Leave a comment In April 2022, two people from Brussels,…